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Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa (Mosque ) was destroyed ...by a simple picture !



Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa  (Mosque ) was destroyed ...by a simple picture !

( This article is a translation of the original text published  (11/05/2014) in this blog.

Few know the true picture or the true image of Al Aqsa Mosque. While this mosque is behind the endless conflict between Arabs and Jews in Israel since 1948 ... and even longer since the first Christian Crusades.

The Al Aqsa Mosque is located in the land of Palestine, in the eastern part of the city of Jerusalem. It is a sacred place for three religions (Jewish, Christian, and Muslim)


  Image showing the two mosques: The Dome of the Rock Mosque (with its golden dome) and the "real" Al Aqsa mosque.


For Muslims it is a place of prayer

For Christians it is a place that recalls the period of jesus

For Jews it is the place where was built the first temple of Solomon ... the Jews are planning to rebuild this temple and a major project to rebuild the second Temple of Solomon has been about to be executed in total secrecy ... and c is the construction of the Second Temple of Solomon which is the main cause of the outbreak of the First World War, the Second World War ... and World War III

A first question to understand the story of the mosque

Why all the world media (TV, newspapers, magazines etc.) refuse to show us the true picture of the Al Aqsa Mosque? and image all show another mosque in its place without this shock anyone?

This is the wrong photo of Al Aqsa mosque



 This is The  true image  of Al Masjid Al Aqsa ( mosque)


Photo:   of   Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa  ( Mosque) : This image is erased spirits from around the world by all the media (TV, newspapers, textbooks and even dictionary and encyclopedia ...)

Photo:   Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa  ( Mosque)  by night …

A wrong photo or manipulating the masses

To build the new Temple of Solomon, a place that is already occupied by a sacred mosque in the Muslim and Christian religious Jews devised a two-phase plan, which mainly consists in destroying first image Al Aqsa Mosque in attitudes to then allow to build the Second Temple of Solomon.

The  wrong photo of  Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa  ( Mosque)  : this is theImage of the mosque Dome of the Rock, the one that all people think  that it is the Al Aqsa Mosque.


The first phase of the plan: is to effectively erase minds the true image of the Al Aqsa mosque and replace it with that of the Dome of the Rock mosque (the one with the golden dome).

This mission was entrusted, in 1948, the Israelis secret services who in turn sought the assistance of the World Jewish lobby that has a stranglehold on the media of the entire planet (press, newspapers, television, cinema houses' editions, etc ..). And in less than 50 years, the image of the Al Aqsa Mosque was completely cleared, magically, televisions, cinema, daily newspapers, journals, magazines, and even books and school textbooks , story books and dictionaries, and Encyclopedia ...). [1]

Today everyone think the Al Aqsa mosque is the monument with a golden dome. [2]

The second phase of the plan: It started there ten years ... When overnight media around the world, all together and at the same time once again, and coincidentally, all began to flood us by TV and newspaper articles on sympathetic archaeological emissions around the site houses the Al Aqsa mosque (without ever showing us the true picture of the Al Aqsa Mosque). [3]


$20 million project will endanger Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa.

All media showed us the same views and extolled the little harbor espoires this site as relics and monuments that can help to better understand the world ...

This is actually a brainwashing operation and preparation ... by a well known technique: bourrge skulls, expliquations the morning and evening on all TV shows to accustom our minds on purely scientific and safe nature of these purely archaeological excavations and unconnected with the conflict Palestinian / Israeli.

In reality these excavations had two Machiavellian goals: to fabricate false historic remains to prove that this place is that of Salamon and thus give it a religeuse importance to the Jewish settlers in recent years are beginning to doubt that Jerusalem could be one day the capital of the world as mentioned in the scriptures (because no major site has been found so far) [4]

The second real purpose of the excavations it is especially weaken by modern techniques all the foundations of the underground base on which the entire edifice of the Mosque of Al Aqsa. For that an engineering team was able to replace all the bases by piles of stones (bases) metal that can remotely control and move the appropriate time. [5]

This has not only weakened the building of the Al Aqsa mosque but also weakened all the buildings and houses in the Arab neighborhood that is not far from the mosque.


Jerusalem will undergo an artificial earthquake in 2018:

To destroy Jerusalem he had first to choose how and when

Everyone (the Jewish makers worldwide) fell agree destruction to the biblical way is to say, by a local artificial earthquake (affecting only the Al Aqsa Mosque) of magnitude 6.8 on the scale Richter. Then the media and stakeholders will ensure that the world thinks it siesme touched even the city of Tel Aviv to Jordan (country accomplice) [6]

The date chosen was that of the year 2018 Date in connection with a major sports event in Russia; this is the next 2018 World Cup to be held in Russia, and the more it will mess up the party at Putin (American enemy) since Russia is also home to a large Jewish diaspora who do not go to see the final of the football World Cup. [7]

Photo: Israeli settlers to the Future Model of Second Temple of Solomon exposed to the foot of the Al Aqsa Mosque ... .Only that is the site of the future Temple of Solomon is already occupied by the Al Aqsa

The scenario is already well oiled and all the TVs in the world show the same images (as was the case for the bombings of 11/9), part of the old city of East Jerusalem destroyed, houses collapsed, families Jewish and Arab helpless ... ambulances, rescue workers from around the world to rescue the survivors ... likely supports messages of Heads of State ... Fake Journalists (Mossad) will make us their comments directly Jerusalem ... there will be round tables and all the false experts and specialists in seismology, archeology, history and religions will be the guests of honor of the TV shows of the most popular TV channels (CBS, BBC, France 2, France 24, Fox news, Al Jazeera, etc).

Palestinian alert the world

The Palestinians of Jerusalem will try to alert the world but in vain because all the media will have been ordered to say nothing and to show nothing. Social networks on the internet (face book, google, youtube, twiteretc) will all be censored by the Israeli secret services ... and fake blogs and fake products will circulate images of El Aksa mosque still intact ...

The construction of the second Temple of Solomon

Following this will begin construction of the future temple of Solomon to prepare (hasten) the coming of the Messiah. The work must be completed in 2022.

Reminder December 23, 2012 the Jews of the world avaienet made a world prayer to hasten the coming of the Messiah. [8]

The choice of the year 2018 (to destroy Jerusalem) and 2022 (to destroy the world by the 3rd World War) reports to the esoteric and cabalistic domain to which the apparteinetmojirité Jewish sects who run this world)

TWO and multiple the number (4, 6, 8) are the basis of the project of the New World Order. In 2022 there will be the alignment of three digits TWO of the four components of the date figures of the year of the death of Jesus. This fact is unique among religious Jews and it is not possible to miss it ... because whatever happens to this "cult" that is to control the world, that is the date (2022) which is supposed to trigger the Apocalypse (3rd World War) according to Jewish belief and allow the coming of the true Messiah. [9]

 A deliberately maintained confusion

This confusion between the image of the real mosque and the Dome of the Rock is obviously deliberately caused and maintained by teams that are responsible for ensuring that this continues as long as possible until the second phase of the plan destruction of the Al Aqsa mosque.

Because he can confuse the picture of the Eiffel Tower with that of Notre Dame de Paris ... and he can confuse the picture of the statue of liberty with that of the Tower of Pisa? ... This can not be possible if a person (a religious sect) are preparing a very big conspiracy against humanity ENTERE.



[1] shocking documentary on the secret services - Mail ...

www.courrierinternational.com> Middle East> Movies> Israel

 [2] All comments on the Al Aqsa Mosque in danger - YouTube


 [3] In East Jerusalem, archeology is war - East XXI

orientxxi.info> Magazine> Julie Couzinet.


 [4] Archaeological excavations confirm the writings of Flavius ...

jssnews.com/.../des-fouilles-archeologiques-confirment-les-ecrits-de-flavi ..

 [5] Israel wants to divide the Aqsa mosque el - جزايرس


 [6] Putin shows the seismic waves of the artificial earthquake ...


 [7] World Cups 2018 and 2022 football ...

www.lemonde.fr /.../ the cuts-the-world-of-soccer-of-2018-and-2022 -...

 [8] On 23 September 2012, Jews around the world will try ...

www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr> Press> 2012> September

 [9] JEWS WORLDWIDE pray for ...





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